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John Galvin Exhibition September 11

Wednesday September 11, 2013

...At Once a Surface and a Frame...

An exhibition of four digital videos by John Galvin will take place at the Bourne Vincent Gallery at 5pm on September 11.

The exhibition examines the window as a liminal surface; both the surface of the projection screen and the space it enframes. The videos offer a fractured surface where the ‘sutures’ between multiple temporalities are left visible. The works explore a visuality where simultaneity rather than sequentiality is foregrounded – multiple fragments of the past anamnetically inscribed into the present.

John Galvin is a multimedia artist living and working in Limerick. He completed a Masters in Music Technology, specialising in electroacoustic composition, at the University of Limerick in 2008 and is currently there completing a PhD by Practice. His research focuses on the layering of many different temporalities within a single work and the ‘presence’ associated with different media.

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